I’m a LAZY person so when i face scenarios where i have a bunch of logs i hate reviewing them individually.
Imagine a folder full of logs generated by Log4Net, for example 10 log files from your test app.
On linux i can use GREP but its not easy to have other people do this or teach them to do this.
I wrote MergeOrderLog command-line application designed to process, format and/or filter log files generated. It will take all files from a directory provided via command line and will generate an end result file MERGED.log that then i can review with TextAnalysisTool.NET
PREREQUISITE : The log should start with date time value (ex: 2023-12-04 11:27:02.500)
.\MergeOrderLog.exe -p .\MyLogs\
This will generate the FINAL_FORMATTED.log
ProcessedLogs folder created successfully.
Merged logs saved at: .\MyLogs\ProcessedLogs\MERGED.log
All processing complete.
Final file saved at: .\MyLogs\ProcessedLogs\FINAL_FORMATTED.log